Realize your true identity in relationship with God.

Mystic Christianity

Blog in Progress….

Hi! Everyone, I’ve been working on a big project for your personal spiritual growth.   Some articles are already available under personal growth. (more…)

Who is the You that knows it is you first step toward a greater understanding of your total being is the recognition that there is more to you than the physical body. Most spiritual teachings say that (more…)

The Journey Back foundation for a deeper understanding of yourself – your self – is the realization that you live in a world with two interconnected realities. You live in the material universe, but beyond it is a spiritual realm. Everything in the material universe originated from the spiritual realm. The energy in the spiritual realm was lowered in vibration and (more…)

The least you should know about the components of self journey back

(available) (more…)

“Personal Growth”

The teachings in this section will give you a new perspective on who you really are and why you are here on earth.
Are you a human being trying to have a spiritual experience, or are you a spiritual being who has been trapped in a human experience but who is longing to get back to the spiritual experience that you know is your true potential? (more…)

Understanding Your Energy Field Building your defense against toxic energy (more…)

Solving The Enigma Of Free Will the spiritual catch-22 that all people are in and how to solve the enigma of free will through complete honesty. (more…)

Knowing Your True Identity Least You Should Know About The Components Of Self (more…)

How Christianity stole Christ…. almost 1,700 years official Christianity – started by the Catholic Church but continued to this day by almost all Christian churches – have acted as if they had a monopoly on Christ. Yet what did Jesus demonstrate through his resurrection? He demonstrated that no earthly power or institution can control the Living Christ! They could kill his body, but they had no power over his Spirit. (more…)

Knowing the Real Jesus….

What if the image of Jesus that you have been given was completely out of touch with reality? Would you want to know the real Jesus? (more…)